Monday, March 18, 2019

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay -- Personal Essays

Personal Strengths and WeaknessesWe as individuals have to realize the importance of our strengths and weaknesses in set up to make a difference in relating private growth. Having different goals, priorities and special qualities ab issue ourselves is what gives us individu exclusivelyy. The purpose of this paper is to clearly define each of my strengths and weaknesses and figure out a way to identify my personal strengths and weaknesses. Doing so in order to enhance my education process. In order for me to improve myself and enhance my learning process. Realizing the need to understand which methods and techniques that volition better help me to learn at an optimal level. I think this class has definitely helped me understand which methods and techniques that go out better improve my learning process. I also believe realizing my strengths and weaknesses will help me to become more self-conscious and a well-rounded individual. My personal strengths are my promptness, turn back , and my ability to stay focused among the distractions. Punctuality is very of the essence(predicate) to me. I make sure to never be late and almost of the time I arrive early for my appointments and engagements. I feel punctuality gives employers the idea you are eager and ready to engage in work. Having discipline is the ability to gain control by obedience is another one of my strong strengths. Discipline means having the tools to succeed in life and is something we all work on through out our lifetime. Discipline has gi...

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